Ann Schulman

Camp Circle O' Friends began in 1987 through the dedication of Ann Schulman. She believed such a summer camp was crucial because all kids need a time to play, get dirty and be just kids. Parents were given a respite from the stress of care-giving. When so much of an ordinary childhood is taken when faced with this devastating illness, summer camp may be one of the few rights of passage we can provide for families.
Ann Schulman, an inductee into the SaskSport Hall of Fame for her work with swimmers across the nation, was also made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2003, in recognition of her outstanding service to families and children. Camp Circle O' Friends is an embodiment and continuation of that service.

In the summer of 2005, Camp Circle O' Friends, in partnership with the Canadian Progress Club-Regina Centre, erected a memorial for Ann at the Camp Circle O' Friends site at Hitchcock's Hideaway overlooking the shores of Lake Diefenbaker.
Camp Circle O' Friends has established the Anne Schulman Memorial Scholarship for Campers and Volunteers.